As a business owner, hosting or being a guest on a podcast is a fantastic way to get yourself in front of new audiences, especially when there are over 2 million podcasts world-wide to choose from.

When it comes to podcasting, the work you put in and the quality of the show that you put out, can make all the difference in how successful you are.

Listeners are looking for an entertaining show, that is high quality and consistently draws them back each week to hear the latest episode. And with more than 9 million Australians (37% of the population) listening to podcasts (54% increase year-to-year) now is is the best time to get yourself into peoples ears and make an impact.

Looking to get into it? We’ve got a few tips to help you get started.

Tips for Creating Successful Podcasts

We chatted with current NEIS client Jacqui Maloney about how to deliver successful and engaging podcast interviews.

Her business, Jacqui Maloney Coaching shows clients how to act and feel more confident in front of the camera for your online presence. Jacqui also works with her clients about their message, storytelling and how to relay that into conversations and especially in podcasts.

So, whether you are just getting started with your podcast, or you are already a few episodes deep; here are 7 tips from Jacqui to prepare for your guest interview to put your podcast on the path to success.

Tip 1: Think About What You Want To Talk About

Once you have secured a time slot for your interview, think about what you want to say and what the benefit of your podcast is going to be for the listener.

If the host is prepared, they will already have a list of questions that they send to you in advance (if they haven’t or don’t have a specific set of questions then don’t hesitate to ask them what they want or are expecting of you. The last thing either of you want is to ramble about topics that aren’t specific to the audience or there’s not structure to the interview)


Tip 2: Make Notes And Brainstorm

When you receive these questions; brainstorm and write down your answers. This preparation allows you to construct your answers in a succinct and specific way and to add personal stories or examples.

You might want to add statistics or quotes as well and this prep time allows you have them on post-it notes nearby so that you remember them during your interview easily. There’s nothing worse than someone trying to tell a story but they forget all the important facts and figures. It will also prevent the inevitable ‘I wish I had said that instead!’ or ‘I forgot to mention this!’


Tip 3: Practise Out Loud

By practising how you are going to answer each question beforehand allows you to deliver your answers with ease and confidence. Often when we’re nervous or put on the spot, we rush ourselves, we ‘um’ and ‘ah’ or we forget what we wanted to say.

When you have a limited window to make an impact, every word counts so practicing beforehand will make you feel at ease and deliver a great interview.


Tip 4: Prepare Yourself

On the day, give yourself plenty of time to login and make sure everything is working correctly, especially your sound. When it comes to podcasts, your voice is the only thing selling your ideas so making sure the sound quality is crystal clear is very important.

Have some water to sip on between questions to make sure you sound clear and well organised.


Tip 5: Try To Relax

Nerves affect the best of us and it’s only natural. Being prepared with your answers and having quotes/stats on post-it notes nearby just means you can relax and be present with the podcast host.

It also ensures you really listen to them and can answer questions they might ask outside of the ones you prepared for.


Tip 6: Remember to Breathe

There’s nothing worse than listening to someone talking at break-neck speed, so breathe deep-belly breaths and make sure you answer as you would if that host was sitting in front of you having coffee.

Slower is always better. Also, smiling is also a good way to sound warm and engaging. You’d be surprised at how much the physical action of smiling as you speak can completely change your delivery.

Tip 7: Give Listeners More Value After The Interview

Often, the host will ask you to give your website or social media handles after the interview.

But, why not offer the listener a bonus for tuning in? ‘Sign up to my email list for VIP offers or tips’, ‘I have a workshop/event/seminar coming up where I teach about all of this in more detail’ A follow is nice, but a commitment is even better and when you’ve nailed your podcast interview, no doubt listeners will want everything you’re selling and more.



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